XSS Filter Evasion and WAF Bypassing Tactics
We will analyze various levels of evasion and bypassing tactics for XSS payloads.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection in which malicious scripts are injected into otherwise trustworthy websites. The flaws that allow these attacks to succeed are common and can be found whenever a web application accepts user input in its output without verifying or encoding it.
Many security researchers have created guides and cheat sheets to aid security professionals in the testing of Cross-Site Scripting problems over the years. The most well-known is "XSS Filter Evasion Cheat Sheet," which was produced by RSnake and then donated to OWASP. Cure53's HTML5 Security Cheatsheet is another intriguing initiative.
In this book, we will not analyze the vectors reported in the cheat sheet one by one, but rather identify which of them are possible scenarios we may encounter and how to overcome them.
The most common scenarios you will come across are:
The XSS vector is blocked by the application or something else.
The XSS vector is sanitized.
The XSS vector is filtered or blocked by the browser.
We'll look at several evasion tactics to get around the weakest regulations and get effective XSS bypass vectors.