admin Here is the course : For More Such Content Join Our Whatsapp Group: Telegram Group: Whatsapp Channel: Discord :
coderhere In the Namaste Frontend System Design Course - Section 11- High-Level Design, Videos after Spotify are missing. I have attached a screenshot of the same. Please check and let us know if those will be available in the future.
WebDev Nityom can you please help me with analytics, Google sheet, Google doc and cab services hld. Please
manishkarki @admin Please upload the remaining videos of High-level design and Bonus Master class's Resume masterclass and Linkedin masterclass
WebDev @admin can you please upload the hld video of Google analytics. I have my interview in next two weeks and this topic is important. Please add
nisham @admin Could you please upload the HLD(11) last 7 episodes and the remaining notes (starting from cross-site scripting) ??
Divaaaa-anshika01 Need a namaste frontend system design course:
Divaaaa-anshika01 I have No Money and please provide in free